Our Friend, Brother, Son, and Husband

Jason Brown was tragically killed in a motor accident on the morning of March 2nd, 2010. He was 25 years old; too young to leave us. He and his beautiful new wife lived in a nice home they bought in Arizona. Our thoughts and prayers go out to comfort his family.

Click here and here to view the news post about the accident.

Please use this blog to share the memories you have with Jason. Pictures, videos, stories, comments to his family, or maybe even something you wish you had a chance to say to him. Email joehall563@yahoo.com to share.

Until we meet again my friend.

Funeral Services

Funeral Services will be held on Tuesday, March 9th, 2010 at 1:00 PM at 665 S 200 W, Orem, UT.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our Friend, Brother, Son, and Husband

Jason Brown was tragically killed in a motor accident on the morning of March 2nd, 2010. He was 25 years old; too young to leave us. He and his beautiful new wife lived in a nice home they bought in Arizona. Our thoughts and prayers go out to comfort his family.

Click here to view the news post about the accident.

Please use this blog to share the memories you have with Jason. Pictures, photos, stories, or maybe even something you wish you had a chance to say to him. Until we meet again my friend.

Email joehall563@yahoo.com to send us info to post.


  1. BROTHER i will miss you so much! I hope you will be waiting for me when I go. I love you bro, you were always there for me when i need you. I i do believe mom that i was your missing twin that mom did have. you will be in my heart forever, and i will have a hard time letting you go. Your best friend and brother Jimmy james the man so nice you Named me twice.

  2. Jason was the glue that always seemed to hold everyone together. His personality was infectious. He was capable of making friends with and relating to anyone. He has always been there for everyone. Jason was tough as nails and it seeming nothing could take him down. He is my best friend and I can't wait to see him again. Love you Jason

  3. While Jason may have had a rough exterior, he was quiet, and that made him unpredictable. I bet wou would never have predicted that this "tough as nails" man was the nicest man you'll ever meet. Remember his warm smile, his genuine personality, and his sincere heart. May peace be with his dear wife, and his family. May angels buoy them up and help them in their most desperate time of need. For we all have lost a faithful friend, and a loved one. He will be greatly missed.

  4. When Scott and Marylee first got married, I was so excited to have new cousins to play with..or so I thought, My older brother Andreas and Jason always picked on me and made me cry. we became good buds as we got older though, and would hang out together at Stephen Phillips house..good times with good people. There's not many people who are authentic, hilarious, and can just be themselves all the time..but Jason was. I will miss you, and I know that as long as all of us keep love in our hearts..we will feel you at times and continue to love you always. --Michelle

  5. I love you Jason, Mike, Scotty and Marylee. I am so sorry, losing a brother and a son is something no one should have to experience. It is horrible, days bleed into nights and nights never end. I love you, my heart aches for you, let it all out, you will experience every feeling, it's ok, work through it,stick together, and love eachother, in the end family is all there is. I love you Carrie

  6. Just wanted to post something happy about jason. He was so out going lived his life to the edge. being in the rodeo with jason,jeff, Ian, and me where jeff jumped the jump behind savers. where we found the kool-aid stick and jason mike and me would hit each other to make the kool-aid man's face puff up on our skin. Hope joe put that picture up for you guys to see it. When we gradutated from high school we went out camping, we stop at the mouth of the canyon and there was 2 girl triping off acid. we made them think that the forest was never never land. Your brother and friend Jimmy james

  7. "It's been far, far too long bro!" If there was a time for Jason to go; I would have thought it would have been during High School (during the brain surgeries). But Jason was a fighter! He pushed through the trials. He never was one to complain much about his headaches and would always find a way to deal with it accordingly.
    Jason was a thrill seeker! Not long after he was out of the hospital, and during lunch hour at Mountain View…..Jason, Jimmy, Ian and I were off to lunch to meet up with some ladies. Jason he asked me if I wanted to do “The Jump.” Of course we did, and we all knew how that scenario played out. Jason and I would always brag how we perfected that jump. If anyone went ½ mph slower; they wouldn’t have gotten as far as us. But if they were went ½ mph faster; well, they wouldn’t be able to drive their car away from the scene. Oh, so many good memories!!
    Now, I wish I would have pushed myself to be more so in Jason’s life throughout the past 6 yrs. But all I can imagine is these past 7 or 8 years (since brain surgery) must have been incredible!
    “I love you bro!”
